Muraqabah in my mind

Note: This is a Friday Tafkeer (تفكير - Reflection)

Born and raised in a small insular town, schooled through sectarian and state institutions, raised in my culture and religion at home, at madrasah, in the mosque, pretty much everywhere but largely in a multi-cultural and multi-religious environment.

I am liberal in outlook but not secular, like my hero Sheikh Ali Gomaa. Born and raise as a Muslim and staging my own 'jihad akbar' (positive self-struggle) to be at peace with my Creator, with my self, with other people and with other creations.

Life is not static. My life is like the stock market, sometimes up, sometimes down, sometimes in the middle. Life was tough while growing up. While it is tougher now, I have the competence and capacity to do it on my own. So far so good. Pretty much lucky at times.

I'm a Muslim bloke trying to find the meaning of life in a global world and my place under the sun. As a modern-day Muslim, I find solace in many of the Friday khutabah (sermons) of the Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS), a voice of moderation in this side of the world.

Muraqabah or God's consciousness is essentially what I try to achieve at the first instance. Hopefully will be able to move to a level where I can say to myself, I have learned the "knowledge of God" and before life expires, have entered the realm of Hubbullah (Love of God), which is the essence of Islam, the supreme end of human beings in this world according to Imam al-Ghazzali. Yeah, it is a tall order so is living. Without it, you can't really understand the point of overcoming daily challenges - what for? There must be meaning to life and the purpose of living. I'd like to bet on the Love of God.

How about you, what's your bet? Is it muraqabah?