A pioneering spirit

Nothing beats a pioneering spirit. And I say this with a zest! These past few weeks we've shown what a pioneering spirit and 'can do' attitude combine can do and overcome.

We pulled a celebration, a training program for new recruits and an orthography within a week and for the first time in the 22 years existence of the institution!

By Sunday, we heard the President announcing the Framework Agreement. While this foretell the beginning demise of our current institution, we are unselfishly happy to see a better replacement.

Tomorrow is another opportunity for Bangsamoro, either we seize it to make a positive difference in the lives of our people or spoil it again.

Tomorrow we will be administering to all school and district heads an examination that they should have taken before they were appointed to their current post. Better late than never? This time it will serve as a diagnostic.

Ya Allah, may public interest and public service dominate our mind, heart and action this time. Help us keep the spoilers from within and without, at bay.

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