ABC of life

Arise, your Master is here,
free yourself from the bondage,
from that which holds you back,
follow your Master's way!

Behold, a new life is waiting -
it beckons, break free and fly
your future awaits
grab it it's yours!

Cease this mongering of 'can't be'
you make your future not them
own your fate, have faith
seize it from within and grow!

Dare is what you need
not progeny, not power nor pieces of silver
test the water, be not afraid of the waves
it's there to make you strong, not weak!

‎Ease your fear with faith
follow your heart, not the road traveled by all
create your own and lead the way
be among the pioneers!

Freedom is like the air you breath
you may not see it but it is there
essential like your existence
protect it or perish!

‎Grab it, or make one for yourself
you deserve it more than anyone
it's your future, it is your destiny
live to realize it!

‎Harness what you have
leave what is not around
multiply and share
realize your dream!

I ‎
Insist and initiate
nurture and grow
spread your wings
and find your happiness!

‎Jump off the stereotype
sense your true being
there is only one you
be a blessing to yourself and to all!

Knap that ill-feeling
you live only once
embrace the world
be happy!

Learn the basics early
found your life with simplicity
but steer it forward
there is more to it that living!

Moan not of the agony
you are not alone
it is not the absence of it
your courage will define you!

No one is spared of trials
like a rose full of torns
be careful, be brave
you are a solution!

Over time and space
you are merely a dot
but your goodness persists
like grafitti in ancient cave!

Pause if you must
rest if you have to
inhale and savour the cool air
be invigorated by nature!

Quit not the race of life
you are more than you think
dare beyond the horizon
follow the ancient explorers!

Roar with your faith
believe and it shall come
be certain of what you need
be cautious of your wants!

Steer your boat forward
dare the giant waves
beyond are islands of opportunity
choose one it's yours!

Take your time
prepare yourself
pat your back
yes you can!

Usher in with positivity
this too will pass
like all that has come before
know that problem comes and goes!

Veer away from the convention
create your own success
you are made to lead
to become who you want!

Wane not in confidence
stake your future with it
armed yourself with ease
and enjoy the journey!

Xerxes thought he was a god
be not like him
but be like the 300
that dared to challenge him!

Yearn for better things to come
act on it and make it happen
be patient and persevere
Rome wasn't built in a day!

Zap out of complacency
even if you are right
if you don't act on it
you'll get run over with!

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