Works of the late Prof Dr Mahmood Ahmad Ghazi

Remembering my mentor - He settled my heart on issue of Ijtihad, Mujahidah and Jihad. His articulation on these concepts will forever be etched in my mind. 4 days from now will be his 3rd death anniversary (He died on 26 September 2010 of cardiac arrest).

Dua for my mentor, the late Prof Dr Mahmood Ahmad Ghazi, renowned scholar, researcher, writer and academic of Islam. The first Khateeb of Faisal Masjid – Islamabad, Pakistan, President of International Islamic University – Islamabad, Pakistan, Judge of the Federal Shariat Court – Pakistan and Federal Minister of Religious Affairs of the Government of Pakistan.

Here's a link to a concise Wikipedia article.

Here are links to some of his great works that are freely available online:
  1. "The Need of Introducing New Cosmopolitan Fiqh to Meet Challenges of Globalization", International Seminar on “Islamic Legal Thought and Institutions in South Asia”, organized by Islamic Research Institute (IRI), of the International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI).
  2. "Islamic Shari‘ah and the Question of Minorities"Policy Perspectives , Volume 6 , Number 1, January - June 2009
  3. "The Law of War and Concept of Jihad in Islam"Policy Perspectives, Vlm. 5, No.1, 2008
  4. Other IPS published papers of the late Prof Dr Mahmood Ahmad Ghazi
  5. "Need for dialogical reasoning ..." (2006), Roundtable on ‘Islamic Education: Continuity and Growth’ organized by the International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI)
  6. "The Role of the Judiciary in the Promotion of the Culture of Tolerance", Pakistan Supreme Court 

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