Humanity, hell and heaven

God created all beings, seen and unseen; past, present and future.

We recognized the oneness of humanity as higher form of created being collectively entrusted with an Amanah, stewardship over other creations. We recognized that humanity is divided into nations and tribes; and this diversity is a manifestation of Divine Majesty.

Every day, we seek refuge with their Creator, who is also King and Sovereign of all humanity. Our day begins and ends by seek divine protection from the devil. In our psyche, the devil whispers into ears and hearts of people all throughout life.

But what is important is not how many times we succumb to inordinate desires, animal passions and temptations of the ego; but how many times we rise against the devil and sought God's grace. Rising is a daily struggle (jihad), life is punctuated by ups and downs, twists and turns of self-control, patience, chastity and other virtues. We recognized that while the road to hell is easy, the road to paradise is challenging and difficult.

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