Lighter downunder

Lighter ...
In a dark room, don't curse; instead light a candle. The tangibility of scarcity and abundance begins with a mindset of things we hold close to heart. We can go on through life running away from scarcity and running after abundance or take stock of what we already have and determine their values in our lives. True test of scarcity and abundance is not about what each one of us wants to have, it is what we need to live life fully. Because every thing begins in the mind, it is in the mind that we light our candle.

Downunder ...
We look up and saw ourselves wanting. We see people in power and affluence, thinking we should also be like them. most think this way, turning everyday living into a struggle for power and affluence at any and all cost. When we are finally up there, we realized happiness is fleeting because we have built it on the lives and suffering of other people. People suffers for our selfish, familial and clan happiness.

Better not to look up. Let's look down and realize we are better off than the rest. We also realized that we are in the position to change ourselves and to effect change on others, at the very least, in our own sphere of influence.

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