The call, the offer and the fate

The call
It all begun with a call. We were on Christmas holidays. One afternoon, we had siesta and when I saw my phone, there were several missed call from an unknown number and a text, the caller introducing himself. A frank call/text from one of my friends? So as not to lengthen the speculation, I decided to ring him back. True enough it was from the newly appointed head of the autonomous government.

The conversation was about looking for the right person for a gargantuan task. I suggested insiders. I suggested outsiders. I suggested senior managers, but he was looking for young, dynamic with a "can do" attitude, one who is bold and dedicated. There were several calls from him thereafter.

The offer
I ask him what is his education priority. Simple and two-fold - prosecution and development. The first one is to arrest graft and corrupt practices and to prosecute big fish. The second one is to head start anew, institute strategic reforms within a limited time and limited budget, in a region swarming with personal, familial, clannish and ethnic interests.

I can do the second half, because my experience, exposure and training in development work is just that. This I can keep to task.However, I am no lawyer and I worry that my minute knowledge of it might jeopardize the whole task at hand. Reflecting on his education reform priority, I thought and this I shared with my principal - he needs a complement of lawyer and educators to run the show.

The fate
As fate have it, came the offer. My conscience tells me, give to someone better than we are. So I humbly declined and step aside for someone better suited to serve His Love for His creation. Yet I can't keep myself away from the circle. The pull of being part of doing something good, something selfless, something for the greater good is so strong. I tried to play my part from the periphery and gave my all.

Until one afternoon, fate and faith finally reached a consensus with my heart, soul and mind all in agreement. So I made what is unthinkable at my current status - gave up comfort, privacy and relatively worry-free life to serve the greater good in what is a chaotic environment. To do so means to give up something closer, something personal ...When at the crossroad, I took the 'selfless' road with faith in Allah that things will be okay.

With that faith, I face my fate and took the plunge. There were days I wonder if I ever did made a good decision. What am I doing here? Tonight you showed me the wisdom of my action. And forever I am truly grateful for the continuing guidance ... my heart cries in happiness for showing me that this decision I took is not in vein, that loving and serving what you hold dear is the as much as loving You. Saribu ribu Shukoor Ya Allah, Ya Rahman, Ya Raheem!

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