The roots of our Moro-ness

Watching a show about human personality over Australia Network. Accordingly, there are two factors that shaped our personality: genetics and environment. What is sure is that many of the characteristics we developed and acquired during childhood tend to remain in our lifetime.

Who we are does not start when we were born, but when we were conceived. Upon conception, our genetic composition reflects and is a combo of our parents' DNA.

Even when we are growing in our mother's womb, our environment is gradually influencing our growth through our mom's perception of the world around her - relations, food, etc.

Now comes our query - is our Moro-ness either or both of genetics and the environment?
Is there such thing as Moro DNA? What does it makes children born of one Moro parent only, does this makes him or her less of a Moro?

Is there such thing as a Moro environment? Do I have to grow anywhere is Moroland to imbibe this Moro environmental influence? 

What does this make of those who were only born or have live less that half of their lives outside Moroland, does this make them less of a Moro? Does it makes us less of a Moro for having mixed parentage or for growing up in a different cultural environment?

What is then the roots of our Moro-ness?

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