Allah is One

Moros are Muslims and in our theology (aqeedah), there are certain fundamentals that we grow up with. Foremost among these fundamentals is the belief in One God, Allah, without any partner.

We grew up in a country once colonized by the Americans. The English language dominates our education system. Thus, the concept of a deity or god-hood is also based on a Western perspective whose definition evolves from their own experience. This is why many among us do not freely interchange the word God with Allah.

True enough, reading from our own perspective, our conception of God is not based on the gods and goddesses of the Old World; but in the belief that God is unlike anyone of us. He does not in anyway resembles aspects of His Creations. He can't be seen, although He is near to us than our jugular vein, He is all-about, everywhere, here and there simultaneously.

He is one, Alone in all His Aspects.

Malakal Mawt* beckons

Your generation is bowing out,
Many willingly and gracefully,
But your likes insist on
Staying a little longer.

While many are leaving ....
Looking forward to transition,
You continue to dwell in the mundane
Fighting against time and age.

Why my lady, why my lady?
Are there secrets in the mundane?
What is it that keeps you from leaving?
What is it that is pulling you back?

Lest you forget my dear lady
Time is ever forward, not back
Age is growing, not regressing -
Have you not prepared enough?

You can lie to us my lady
With all your might and strength -
Never to your conscience
Never to the Almighty!

Listen not to the call of desire,
Neither of the flesh!
But to your heart, where your soul resides
To your conscience who'll be with you for ever.

Time to sail on my lady
Time to let go of this precious gem
Stare the horizon, listen to the wind
Malakal Mawt* is beckoning!

* Arabic for Angel of Death

Who we are

A dot in space
A moment in time
That is what we are ...

Power and choice

We can plan our future, yes we should. But we should also entertain the possibility of a higher plan reigning over us. We just have to trust in His Power and Grace ...

To be in power is destiny, what we do with it is a personal choice. You can choose to follow your personal desire once in power or yield to higher altruism or realize His Plan for you to be a great leader that your people will remember well. 

Be ...

Be the bridge you hope exist;
Be the moderation you hope is available;
Be the right person you hope to see in others.

Be the best idea, the best word;
Be the best action, the consistent one;
Be the best you can be.

Don't settle for good or better;
God has created you in the best mold;
Be His Plan and you shall see.


For a person with a vision, scarcity is enough to overcome; for a person without, abundance is a cause for inaction.

For a person on a mission, one term is enough; for a person without, even a thousand years is insufficient.

For a person with an objective, solitude is a bliss; for a person without, it is loneliness.

For a person with a focus, too many is a choice; for a person without, one choice is too many.

For a person with indicators, the reality is transient; for a person without, reality is permanent.