Life is a mystery

Life is a mystery to be embraced and discovered. Humanity will never fully understand life until the last generation discovered the end of it.

Our lives take roots to the Source of Life. It is said we have been created before we were born. This then is our first transformation after creation. Mundane life is the 2nd transformation. The hereafter is the 3rd transformation. In all of these our transformation has been largely been physical passing through birth, maturity and death. While our physical being changes, our spiritual being remains the same. While we may never fully recall our first 'existence', we are fully aware of our existence in this world and in the hereafter.

Thus, living is a journey. We are travelers. This world is just a transit to the next. As with any travel, we need to have provision enough to reach our destiny. What are these provisions?  This is something for us to discover. As Muslims, the Qur'an remains us about these provisions. It also reminds us about our destiny, this is why we refer to the Qur'an as 'The Guide' - our guide in this journey.

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