Rahmah (Grace) of Allah

We start our day with 'basmalah', the second part of it acknowledges the Grace of Allah. We say, Allah is Most Gracious (Al-Rahman). However, we have little appreciation of this in our daily lives. What is Rahmah (Grace) to each one of us?

When we continue to breath and live, this is Rahmah from Allah. When we wake up feeling refresh and healthy, this is Rahmah from Allah. When we are able to think soundly and righteously, this is Rahmah from Allah. When we are in any position or power to influence, this is Rahmah from Allah.

What we do with the opportunity is up to us. Reflect on the rain falling from the heaven. There are those that go directly into the sewer, there are those that go directly to water the valleys or there are those that go directly into your water container and from it you drink.

What have you done with the Graces of Allah for you today?

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